And I have no idea how you might acquire a copy, so I won't even speculate. What about the rest? Well, the only other version of Final Fantasy 3 is the original, released on the Famicom in 1990 and available exclusively in Japan. This remake is available on DS, PSN (for PSP and Vita), Steam, and more, making it widely accessible. The basics remain intact - plot, dungeons, bone-crushing difficulty - along with some minor tweaks that help smooth out some of the original's rough edges, such as making more character classes viable during the endgame.

The original game has been completely rebuilt using vibrant 3D graphics along with a freshly remixed soundtrack. Thankfully, it's also an excellent remake. I also use Sabin's alternative method of doing his blitz attacks, since they make things a bit easier.The definitive version: Final Fantasy 3 (DS/PSP/PC/Mobile) As this is the only official English version of the game available in the West, it's the winner by default. I did this whole game on memory since I've been playing this game since it first came out on the SNES. I'm pretty sure I did everything you could in this game besides Shadow's dreams and messing with the Colosseum. They could have been a bit higher leveled, but I managed. Same goes with the levels of my characters. I didn't bother uncursing the shield and making the Paladin Shield because that would have taken too dang long.I could have used it, sure, but I didn't need it. This is only the second time in all my times playing this game that I got so lucky. My plan was to fight 3 of them and then give up if I didn't get the thing (would have made the video longer than I wanted).

Thankfully I got one on the first try after fighting a brachosaur. I wouldn't exactly call it grinding, but hunting for an economizer. There is a bit of grinding at one point in the video which is around: This video goes starts with the party entering the Phoenix Cave and ends with the credits. This is the fourth and final video in the 4 part video walkthrough / runthrough / playthrough I did of the SNES Final Fantasy 3, which as you all know is actually Final Fantasy 6.